.. testsetup:: import cdd .. currentmodule:: cdd Solving Linear Programs ======================= .. class:: LinProg(mat) A class for solving linear programs. Bases: :class:`~cdd.NumberTypeable` :param mat: The matrix to load the linear program from. :type mat: :class:`~cdd.Matrix` Methods and Attributes ---------------------- .. method:: LinProg.solve(solver=cdd.LPSolverType.DUAL_SIMPLEX) Solve linear program. :param solver: The method of solution (see :class:`~cdd.LPSolverType`). :type solver: :class:`int` .. attribute:: LinProg.dual_solution A :class:`tuple` containing the dual solution. .. attribute:: LinProg.obj_type Whether we are minimizing or maximizing (see :class:`~cdd.LPObjType`). .. attribute:: LinProg.obj_value The optimal value of the objective function. .. attribute:: LinProg.primal_solution A :class:`tuple` containing the primal solution. .. attribute:: LinProg.solver The type of solver to use (see :class:`~cdd.LPSolverType`). .. attribute:: LinProg.status The status of the linear program (see :class:`~cdd.LPStatusType`). Examples -------- Note that the following examples presume: >>> import cdd Fractions ~~~~~~~~~ This is the testlp2.c example that comes with cddlib. >>> mat = cdd.Matrix([['4/3',-2,-1],['2/3',0,-1],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]], number_type='fraction') >>> mat.obj_type = cdd.LPObjType.MAX >>> mat.obj_func = (0,3,4) >>> print(mat) begin 4 3 rational 4/3 -2 -1 2/3 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 1 end maximize 0 3 4 >>> print(mat.obj_func) (0, 3, 4) >>> lp = cdd.LinProg(mat) >>> lp.solve() >>> lp.status == cdd.LPStatusType.OPTIMAL True >>> print(lp.obj_value) 11/3 >>> print(" ".join("{0}".format(val) for val in lp.primal_solution)) 1/3 2/3 >>> print(" ".join("{0}".format(val) for val in lp.dual_solution)) 3/2 5/2 Another example. >>> mat = cdd.Matrix([[1,-1,-1,-1],[-1,1,1,1],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]], number_type='fraction') >>> mat.obj_type = cdd.LPObjType.MIN >>> mat.obj_func = (0,1,2,3) >>> lp = cdd.LinProg(mat) >>> lp.solve() >>> print(lp.obj_value) 1 >>> mat.obj_func = (0,-1,-2,-3) >>> lp = cdd.LinProg(mat) >>> lp.solve() >>> print(lp.obj_value) -3 >>> mat.obj_func = (0,'1.12','1.2','1.3') >>> lp = cdd.LinProg(mat) >>> lp.solve() >>> print(lp.obj_value) # 28/25 is 1.12 28/25 >>> print(lp.primal_solution) # extreme point in simplex (1, 0, 0) Floats ~~~~~~ This is the testlp2.c example that comes with cddlib. >>> mat = cdd.Matrix([['4/3',-2,-1],['2/3',0,-1],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]) >>> mat.obj_type = cdd.LPObjType.MAX >>> mat.obj_func = (0,3,4) >>> print(mat) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE begin 4 3 real 1.333333333E+000 -2 -1 6.666666667E-001 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 1 end maximize 0 3 4 >>> print(mat.obj_func) (0.0, 3.0, 4.0) >>> lp = cdd.LinProg(mat) >>> lp.solve() >>> lp.status == cdd.LPStatusType.OPTIMAL True >>> print(lp.obj_value) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 3.66666... >>> print(" ".join("{0}".format(val) for val in lp.primal_solution)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.33333... 0.66666... >>> print(" ".join("{0}".format(val) for val in lp.dual_solution)) 1.5 2.5 Another example. >>> mat = cdd.Matrix([[1,-1,-1,-1],[-1,1,1,1],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]) >>> mat.obj_type = cdd.LPObjType.MIN >>> mat.obj_func = (0,1,2,3) >>> lp = cdd.LinProg(mat) >>> lp.solve() >>> print(lp.obj_value) 1.0 >>> mat.obj_func = (0,-1,-2,-3) >>> lp = cdd.LinProg(mat) >>> lp.solve() >>> print(lp.obj_value) -3.0 >>> mat.obj_func = (0,'1.12','1.2','1.3') >>> lp = cdd.LinProg(mat) >>> lp.solve() >>> print(lp.obj_value) # 28/25 is 1.12 1.12